
Where to Start

I haven’t written in a looong time.  I’ve had a lot on my mind lately but I don’t think I’m the best at writing so it’s difficult for me to get motivated to write.  It’s weird but I’d almost say I have a fear of writing.  I feel so vulnerable when I write and I’m afraid of being judged for how I write.  I know I’m not the best with grammar and punctuation, and I have difficulty expressing myself at times.  In school I always hated writing papers, they always took me such a long time and I would always get so frustrated with how easy it was for others.  I’m just going to write about I’m thinking and hope it’s ok, and that with time my confidence with writing and expressing myself will get better.  All I ask of you as the reader is to be open to my vulnerability and insecurities.

I’m re-evaluating the purpose of the blog, since when I first started it was to talk about food and agriculture and stuff like that.  I’ll definitely still talk about all that, but it may not be the main focus.  I think I’ll make the blog more about mine and Austin’s journey through life together as well as my health journey.  So how I’ve come to decide ways I want Austin and I to live in order for God to live and shine through us to the fullest extent, and when it comes to health the struggles I’ve had, and things I’ve discovered about food, exercise and myself.  I know it sounds like every other blog out there, but I don’t care.

Here are a few things that have been on my mind that I’ve thought of writing about and sharing with you:

Food and diet

Weight loss and exercise

My fears

My passions

Things going on in mine and Austin’s life right now

A lot of the above are intertwined, so when I write about each one I’ll try not to make it all sound like a broken record.

Where should I start?